

When M.O'Leary's cow kicked the lantern
In Chicago town
They say that started the fire
That burned Chicago down
That's the story that went around
But here's the real low-down
Put the blame on Mame, boys
Put the blame on Mame
Mame kissed a buyer from out of town
That kiss burned Chicago down
So you can put the blame on Mame, boys
Put the blame on Mame
Was up to her old tricks
That's the story that went around
But here's the real low-down
Put the blame on Mame, boys

5 comentaris:

Sergi T. ha dit...

Jo no et pegaré una galtada...

anneta ha dit...

És que jo, en principi, tampoc faria el que fa Gilda... Bé, la veritat és que no sé com em canviarà la vida quan porte eixos guants negres posats... :P

Sergi T. ha dit...

M'obligaràs a regalar-te els guants...

Anònim ha dit...

Siii!! que li'ls regale, que li'ls regale!!
ale, ara que ja tinc internet ja et puc escriure...però poc a poc.

Sergi T. ha dit...

Si Lady Macbeth no actualitza, no li compraran els guants...